Who we are
DPU Investment GmbH was founded in 2000 an is a privately owned, customer- and success-oriented company true tot he guideing principle, Quote:
„Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.“
Henry Ford
The team of DPU Investment GmbH operates internationally in the field of energy, renewable energy and the development of industrial infrastructure as a consultant, project developers and Venture Capital Partners.
In cooperation with competent partners from research and development, energy and solar industry, banking and financial institutions DPU Investment GmbH provides its customers complex service to develop new strategies, planning of future-oriented investments and the acquisition of shareholdings.
The market improvement, market development, and the expansion of existing business on the basis of more than 20 years experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are the focus of our activities.
The corporate philosophy of DPU Investment GmbH was decisive for the decision to take part in 2010 in the founding of Berlin Solar Network e.V. and become a member of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations in 2012. The memberships are not only a result of our own positive business development but also an asset to our forward-looking activities.
Basic values such as respect, integrity, trust, integrity, creativity and team spirit shape our thinking and acting, Quote:
„A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.“
Henry Ford